
New Premium Price

Today, The government cuts the price of subsidized Premium gasoline by Rp 500 per liter to Rp 5,500, starting Dec. 1. The cut reflects the declining trend in global crude oil prices, although the regulator expects no significant increase in consumption of the fuel.

This decision has different comment from citizen, some body said that this cut has no influence to their cost of life, because if we compare of increasing and decreasing of fuel price executed by government, it has different percentage, which is bigger than increasing point than decreasing. Beside that, they say, this cut does not make other price of good follow this downstream.

But somebody say that it is good indication for SBY’s government. It’s the first time where our government decision to cut the fuel price. Even it cut for little percentage, but we must sure that the fuel price is lowest than other country, such as in Malaysia that has cut it price for sixth time.


dedaeng mengatakan...

Bensin turun !!!
Gak ngaruh kan kawan... Tetap aja harga2 masih mahal..

rawan mengatakan...

thanks for comment.
some people say that the decreasing of premium price has no influence to part of life. actually yes, when we look and compare from the price of major good (sembako), and general transportation cost which aren't follow take decreasing the price. but, how kind if we compare to the condition where we dont get decreasing of premium price. you will say that it will be cheaper than before right?! (even only for 500 perak).
it is better for us to support and support the government to their effort in this chase how they can hold this situation. just hope that it will take to good condition for the next time (long term).